Dr. Jimmie R.
his 2013 State of the Union address, President Barack Obama proposed skills and
training for jobs begin as early as possible in life. He said, “But today, fewer than three in ten
4-year-olds are enrolled in a high-quality preschool program…….So, tonight, I
propose working with states to make a high-quality preschool available to every
single child in America……We know this works.
So let’s do what works and make sure none of our children start the race
of life already behind”. Two days later in Decatur, Georgia, Obama described his proposal as a “Continuum of
high-quality early learning for a child, beginning at birth and continuing to
age 5.” He also said that federal
monetary grants willl be available “to serve children 3 and younger, starting
from birth”.
Obama’s proposals reinvent those made by William Beveridge, a leading English liberal
and one of the Fathers of the Modern Welfare State in England during and shortly
after World War II. Beveridge proposed a
welfare state based on the creation of a national health service, full
employment and child benefit payments.
He also supported a eugenics program that emphasized which parents could
have how many children, namely the educated professional class. He proposed ensuring that citizens when
prevented from working would have a subsistence income for themselves and their
families as a right, and “below which no one should be allowed to fall” without
any form of means testing. When the
German occupiers saw this, they accused Beveridge of plagiarism from the German
“Wohlfahrtsstaat” program.
Beveridge’s program was the
blueprint for social security and a welfare state. The Labor government in England agreed and
enacted Beveridge’s proposals. Is this
welfare statism the form of government we wish for the United States? I think not!
proposal will provide pre-school for babies from the mother’s womb to
kindergarten. In 1983, The Subhumans, a
punk rock group, described such programs in the lyrics to their song, “From the
Cradle to the Grave”. “When they took
you from your mothers’ wombs and put you in a school, Told you how to run your
life by following the rules….Cos your father will tell you, Sonny, you must do
as you are told! And you’ll say the same
thing to your kids when you’re 32 years old.
Your government will rule your mind and your mind will rule your
heart. You’ll conform to every social
law and be the system’s slave. From
birth to school, from work to death, from cradle to the grave…..”
is no question but after hearing all of the President’s nationalized pre-school
“giddy-ups”, we should be shouting
emphatically “Whoa”. President Obama
justifies his pre-school from “the cradle to grave” by saying, “You know, study
after study shows that the sooner a child begins learning, the better he or she
does down the road”. A quick review of
some such studies reveals that many of them are questionable. Many suffer from questionable designs,
over-extended generalizations and failures to meet strict experimental
procedures. Most of the studies are
correlational; that is generalizations are made based solely on B happened
after A occurred, without any demonstration that A caused B. As a result, no causal relationships were
tested and importantly should not be implied!!
Some of the studies are replete with statements like “might have large
effects”, “might enhance”, “might be difficult” and “… may have large
dollar effects if it has larger effects on college degrees”. Some of these studies purport to show that
early pre-school experiences impact positively on incomes at middle age. How in the world can all of the variables
that impact conditions from pre-school to middle age be controlled? They cannot!
So, let’s rein in a bit, Whoa.
authors of a major study, Head Start Impact Study, Final Report, January 2010,
Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human
Services, Washington, D.C., wrote “There is clear evidence that Head Start had
an impact on children’s language and literacy development while children were
in Head Start. However, these early
effects were no longer evident in elementary school....” Whoa, again.
Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services said in reaction to this
report, “….for Head Start to achieve its full potential, we must improve its
quality and promote high standards across all early-childhood programs”. And Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said,
“These results make it clear we need to build a more coordinated system of
early care and education, and to focus on key improvements to teaching and
learning in the early grades”. Notice he
did not say, “preschool” or “head
cannot help but question what studies President Obama referred to when he said
in his SOTU speech, “You know, study after study shows that the sooner a child
begins learning the better he or she does down the road.” Are President Obama, Secretary Sebelius and
Secretary Duncan on the same page in the play book?
Mr. President, no to “From birth to school, to work to death, from the cradle
to the grave….” programs. It’s time to
dismount. Get off your high horse, sit
down and study the Constitution of the United States, especially the 9th
and 10th Amendments in case you have forgotten that the U.S. Constitution grants no
authority over education to the federal government. Education is not mentioned in the
Constitution of the United States. Therefore,
see Amendment #10.