Wednesday, January 25, 2012




Dr. Jimmie R. Applegate

Tuesday night the American public had a rare opportunity to view a climactic battle between POTUS’ Id (instincts and pleasure) and his Superego (perfection and moral judgments).  I wonder if the president had a plate of magic mushrooms full of the psychedelic drug psilocybin for dinner.  He must have because his Id with a wish list of programs seeking pleasure and immediate gratification was running rampant over his Superego seeking details of any perfection and moral judgment present in his comments.  It is a good thing he has a huge Ego that, according to Freud, would have been severely challenged in attempts to resolve the conflicts.

President Obama delivered his populist SOTU address to Congress and the American people under the title “Built to Last”.  His 65 minute presentation was typical Obamanesque; that is, his reading of the teleprompter was masterful.  I would have appreciated the opportunity to slip a page on the teleprompter with these words, “OK, Mr. President.  Now you are on your own. Goodbye!”.

I heard a rehash of his Id’s Messianic 2008 campaign that was focused on hope and change with emphases on “We can do it” and “Now is the time”.  President Obama stated clearly that the necessary changes he proposed depended on the liberal progressive—some would say, socialistic—growth of the federal government to ensure we all share alike and benefit equally in the American Dream by redistributing wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not.

I remember a saying that went around junior high school boys in the early 1950’s.  We wanted to meet and date a communist’s daughter because she believed in share and share alike and we thought all could “get a little”.   The SOTU reminded me of that because of its emphasis on government determined equality and controlled share and share alike.

President Obama dared not focus on his abysmal record of fulfilling his 2008 promises of hope and change, or on his personal approval rating.  Instead he subjected us for 65 minutes to a 2012 Campaign Kickoff that once again focused on the populist emphases of hope and change for increased government growth and control of the distribution of wealth from the haves to the so-called have nots so everyone gets a little just like the communist’s daughter.  Obama’s speech was a casting call for Americans to play roles in his rerun of “Psychedelic Dreams”.  No need to worry though.  Since there is no competition for the roles, there isn't any work required.  All you need to do is believe in hope and change to make your dreams become reality.

The socialist philosophy hasn’t changed much in 60 years except today we are fighting the communistic share and share alike philosophy on our shores and, of all places, in the White House.  The 2012 election will be a water shed election to determine the direction of the United States for coming generations.  I do not want to tell my children and grandchildren that I stood by and did nothing.  Do you?

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