Sunday, December 11, 2011

Current Status Of Our American Rights And Suggestions For The Future

By Dr. Jimmie Applegate
Are we in danger of losing our American rights? Kittitas County Republicans agreed with Sarah Palin when she said, “Yep, you betcha!” One hundred percent of Kittitas County Republicans who responded to an informal, non-random poll believed not only are we in danger of losing our rights, we already have lost many, and many more are threatened.
And these conservative Republicans were not at all hesitant to describe what they believe must be done in the next two years to reverse the trend and even reclaim our heritage.
Lost American Rights
Fifty-five percent of respondents believed we lost our right of choice, especially regarding aspects of health care, with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 AKA ObamaCare. Specifically they believed we have lost the right to choose health care providers, health care plans and even to choose whether or not we want health care insurance. Because of this mandate one respondent generalized we have lost our right “not to participate in commerce”. More than 25% of respondents believed we have lost representation in Congress because elected officials more often than not forget our republic is a government of, by and for the people.
Others believed, in their own words, we have lost the “right to prosperwithout penalty”, the “right to dignity and privacy”, the “right to free speech”, the “right to try and fail or succeed” and the “right to be left alone”. And, not surprisingly, respondents believed we have lost our “right to freedom of religion” as evidenced by the banning of prayer in classrooms and other public places. Still others believed we have lost our “right to property” and the “right not to be taxed to death”.
In addition to being asked what rights have we lost respondents were asked to list rights they believe are in danger of being lost.
American Rights in Danger of Being Lost
Seventy-three percent of respondents listed the “right to keep and bear arms” on the danger list. As a result of the Executive Branch usurping the power of the Legislative Branch others felt the “balance of power” concept was threatened. Respondents also believed the right “to freedom of speech”, “to freedom of religion”, “to freedom of assembly” and for “protection against illegal search and seizure” were in danger. The right of “an unborn child to be raised by loving adults” and the right “to be free from government intrusion from cradle to grave” also were listed as being in danger.
Respondents were then asked what must be done in the next two years to reclaim lost American rights
and/or to prevent additional losses of American rights.
Recommended Actions to Reclaim our American Rights
Respondents listed many strategies and actions they believed will reclaim losses and/or prevent future losses of our American rights. Because their suggested actions vary across the spectrum they are described in their own words to maintain the integrity of their responses.
Many responses were brief and to the point such as “Keep Republicans in Congress”, “Elect Republicans”, “Vote for Tea Party Candidates”, “Elect more Conservatives” and “Elect Republicans for Congress and a Republican President”. Other suggestions included “Ensure only laws are passed that are based on the Constitution”, “Adhere to the Constitution and enforce it”, and to do this Americans “must stay connected with their legislators”, “participate in judicial elections”, and “select good candidates from the ground up at city, county and state levels”. Still others suggested “Republicans must stand firm”, must “hold constitutional conventions”, limit entitlements”, “defund government 50%”, “reduce number of government employees by 50%”, “limit entitlements” and “return to a country where citizens are responsible for their actions”. And finally “limit the scope of courts to constitutional issues”, “limit the legislative branch to enacting laws based on the Constitution”, “limit lobbyists” and “limit, modify, or repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”.
All Kittitas County Republican respondents to an informal, non-random poll believed citizens have lost and are in danger of losing even more American rights. Not surprisingly the rights they believed citizens have lost or are in danger of losing could be categorized as those held by conservatives, constitutional conservatives, libertarians or Tea Party adherents. And there was a clear recognition that individuals must “get involved” at all levels not only to create an atmosphere for change, but to participate in the actual events resulting in the desired changes. Respondents believed change requires more than eloquence, hope and wishful thinking. It requires another conservative value; i.e., work!

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